Stealth Launch
No Pre-sales
LP Token Burned
Contract Address: 0x032c5ad5b96d6e693c44f8c8502e3937f46e9a31
$SER is a memecoin by Degens, for Degens.
Whatever tickles your Degen bone, $SER is here to celebrate it all.
Degen hat on, game on.
Status of Degen wallets (based on market conditions), published daily on Twitter
Where are you?
Contract Address: 0x032c5ad5b96d6e693c44f8c8502e3937f46e9a31
Install Wallet
Download MetaMask or any other wallet you prefer that supports Ethereum blockchain. Metamask is available as a mobile app or a browser extension. You can get it by visiting
Buy some ETH (ethers) so that you can swap it for $SER. You can buy via Metamask wallet or a centralized exchange. Once you get ETH, ensure that it is transferred to your wallet.
Connect With Uniswap
Go to the Uniswap website ( and click 'Launch App'. 'Connect' your Metamask wallet account and confirm when asked for permission.
Swap ETH for $SER
On Uniswap website, click the 'Select token' input. Enter the $SER contract address shown above. Swap ETH for SER tokens. If you need further help, visit
Itsy Bitsy Tease List (Shhh, lips sealed for now)
Launch $SER | Marketing on Twitter
Degentastic Surprises
Coinmarketcap, Coingecko, CEX Listing
Degentastic Surprises 'n' Celebrations
Total Supply
CEX listing, partnerships and marketing
Max Buy Qty
Limits will be lifted soon and contract renounced.
No Value Here, Only Fun Ahead!
$SER is a memecoin crafted by Degens to celebrate the spirit of Degens. It has absolutely no intrinsic value, no utility, and zero financial returns or rewards. There’s no formal team, organization, or roadmap. $SER memecoin is here purely for your entertainment and is completely, utterly useless. Enjoy the Degen ride with no strings attached!